Signature Wall

Those who have graduated or received their doctorate from Erasmus University Rotterdam are eligible to have their signature engraved on this monument. Make an impression and create a lasting connection with your university for 35 euros. 

Would you like to see your signature on the wall?

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The signature wall allows alumni of Erasmus University (and its predecessors) to symbolically part ways with the Alma Mater. Every graduate can consign their autograph to this monument for 35 euros and the new members of the Erasmus Alumni Club can obtain it for free.

There are two signature walls, one on the Woudestein campus and one at Hoboken (Erasmus MC). Together, these walls form a unique artwork wherein the signatures are memorialized on the glass panes. Thus, alumni can stay connected with their student lives and Erasmus University Rotterdam.


The Erasmus Alumni Club gifted the signature wall to Erasmus University in 1998, for the university’s 17th lustrum. The artist, Annemoon Geurts, included in silkscreen the portraits of 140 random citizens of Rotterdam. They don the Erasmus beret as a symbol for obtained wisdom and the moment of graduation.  

Coloured planes on the signature wall display the colours of the university’s seven faculties in 1998. The signatures embedded in the wall so thus far originate from alumni of all ages – the oldest submitted signature is from 1918. Some alumni well-known in Rotterdam have also submitted their signatures, take for example Prince Friso, Ruud Lubbers en Johan Witteveen. 

The artwork remains in the ‘Erasmus Building’, neighboring the exam rooms, left of the Aula. 

Hoboken (Erasmus MC)

The other signature wall can be found at the Erasmus MC, location Hoboken. It was gifted to the Medical Center in 2008, a decade after the inception of the original monument. To remain faithful to the original design, this artwork, too, has been created by Annemoon Geurts. The monument at Hoboken consists of detached units, each of which counts six panels of silkscreened glass. They rest on a steel base, illuminated by LED lights. 

The artwork can be found in the Education center’s inner courtyard. 

Getting your signature on the Erasmus Signature Wall

Become a member of the Erasmus Alumni Club and get your signature on the Erasmus Signature Wall for free. After registering as member you will receive an email with the application form for the signature wall. Signatures are collected until we have enough to fill a new panel; we will alert you as to when that happens. We'll also share with you the date of the ceremony where the new panel will be revealed, during which you can socialize, have a drink, and marvel at the brand-new addition to the monument.

Become a member and get your free signature

Would you rather just immortalise your signature in the wall for 35 euro, without becoming a member? Click the link below to fill out the application form and we will send a payment request via email. After we receive your payment, your signature will be recorded in the next panel and you'll receive your very own spot in the history of the Erasmus University.

Application form Signature Wall